Good Cop – Bad Cop?
Cool that Overwhelm

Stop being busy – Be effective!

We have been swallowed into a cultural meme of asking someone “Are you busy?”

So, what if you are busy – are you being effective? We can be busy doing totally the wrong things and as a badge of exhaustion we run around the workplace saying we are busy.

This must stop! The science of quantum physics shows us what we focus on is what becomes our reality. Another way of seeing this is that “words are wands” and we need to be mindful of what we think and speak.

Begin now and reply to the question “Are you busy” – “No I am full of outcomes” or “No I am achieving my key priorities of today”. Replies like this are aligned to neuroscience that the brain is hard wired for goals and achievements.

Being effective requires focus and I love the book of Daniel Goleman Focus. Check out the Brain Booster Cool that overwhelm for more tips to regain focus on your priority areas.

Another book I can highly recommend is Tony Crabbe’s Busy- how to thrive in a world of too much. The book is easy to read and highly illuminating – it certainly has helped be tremendously in taking control.

Good Cop – Bad Cop?
Cool that Overwhelm

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